Maine Spring CLE Seminar and Social
1.0 Ethics CLE Credit
Keeping Relevant in an Ever-Changing World
Presented By:
J. Scott Davis, Esq. and Aria Eee, Esq.
Mariner’s Church, 368 Fore St., Portland, Maine
Thursday | March 29, 2018
Seminar: 4:00-5:00 PM and Social: 5:00-6:00 PM
Please join us for a presentation by Bar Counsel J. Scott Davis and Deputy Bar Counsel Aria Eee regarding developments in legal practice and attorneys’ obligation to adapt.
Seminar topic areas include:
Use of investigators and the lawyer’s supervisory role
Conflict issues pertaining to insured and insurer relationship
- PEC Opinion #63 “Attorney Assigned by Insurance Company as Lawyer for the Insured”
- PEC Opinion #204 – problems re: Hold Harmless Agreements
- Giving general advice; what’s permissible in terms of a current client
Attorney competence with regard to understanding social media
- PEC Opinion #217 “Ethical Obligations for Access and Use of Social Media”
- PEC Opinion #172 re: M.R.P.C. 4.4(b) – Inadvertent Disclosures
Cyber security and data breaches – What’s the attorney’s obligation?
Supervising vs. Subordinate Lawyers
- Bd of Overseers v. Warren 2011 ME 124 – Firm’s responsibility for Ensuring Compliance with the MRPC (see M.R.P.C. 5.1)
CLE with Social Hour with Cash Bar.
Appetizers on the house!
Feel free to attend only the social hour.
TDLA Members: $30
Non-members: $60
FREE for members traveling from NH, VT, or points north of Augusta, Maine
Sign up as a first-time member of TDLA and
attend the CLE for free! ($75)
Click Here for Mail-In Registration Form
Mariner's Church Banquet Center
368 Fore Street, Portland, ME